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Hi there, I am so glad you are here!

If you don’t know me yet, hi! I am Kelly Filardi, a wife, a mom, a sports lover, and a counsellor from Brazil living in Australia. I am passionate about helping people feel good in their bodies.

After years of battling with self-acceptance and silencing a critical inner voice, I have triumphed in cultivating self-love, soothing my mind, and harnessing the remarkable power of my mind to achieve weight loss and maintain my ideal body. Now, I am driven by a profound passion to assist individuals in attaining their desired physique and liberating themselves from the perpetual struggle with the scale.

I believe that being slim and looking good is just a small part of feeling happy and complete. Your mind and emotions need to be free from limiting beliefs, trauma, nasty inner voice, and stress. In that way, you will reach balance and happiness in every aspect of your life, and the result of it is a healthy and beautiful body.

My journey

My journey as a holistic therapist began in 2002 with my work as an acupuncturist, Chinese medicine therapist, and practitioner of reiki and various massotherapies. As I delved deeper into the realm of healing, I discovered the transformative power of hypnology and past life therapy. The joy and fulfillment I experienced from assisting individuals in their physical and emotional healing processes propelled me forward, leading me to pursue a bachelor's degree in Psychology. All that in Brazil. In Australia I conquered my Master’s degree in Counselling and Psychotherapies and so many other courses.

Mindful Weight loss

My story with the emotional issues surrounding weight loss began in 2018 when I took a course on the psychology of weight loss. It worked to some extent, but it didn't cover all the necessary areas for a smooth and efficient journey. After conducting extensive studies and tests on myself, I incorporated neuroscience, tapping, mindfulness, and visualizations into the program. And guess what? It worked perfectly!

About the name VivaBEM

For those who understand Portuguese, the phrase "Viva bem" is a common and straightforward combination. "Viva" means "live," while "bem" means "well," so "Viva bem" translates to "live well." However, in this case, "BEM" is written in uppercase and it is an acronym for Body, Emotions, and Mind. This is precisely why I adore this name. It implies that to “ live well” your body, emotions and mind need to be in balance.