
Your weight and life in balance

Integrative Psychotherapy tailored for you to achieve your desired physical and emotional well-being

hI! I'm so glad you're here!

It took me years to finally feel free from negative thoughts about my body, re-signify trauma, and love myself completely.

Now, I want to help you feel it too!

Watch my welcome video to know me better or click the button bellow to read more.


  • 1:1 Therapy and single-session counselling

    The ideal choice if you are looking for an immediate relief and practical solutions to your problems or a regular talking therapy.

  • The Body-Emotion-Mind (BEM) Program

    10 Sessions with a weight loss counsellor to attain your ideal body through mind reprogramming.

  • Anxiety and depression

    If you find yourself overwhelmed by excessive worry or unable to experience joy in life, I'm here to offer assistance and support.

trauma and weight gain

Unveiling the Connection: Trauma and Weight Gain

did you know

When we experience trauma, our bodies activate a powerful stress response known as the "fight-flight-or-freeze" mechanism.

This response triggers a surge of stress hormones like cortisol, designed to help us survive immediate threats. However, in cases of chronic or repeated trauma, the stress response can become dysregulated, leading to long-term effects on our bodies.

Target trauma Issues

  • Emotional Eating

  • disrupted hormonal regulation


  • Disrupted Sleep Patterns


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